Create, Lead, Empower Ohio (CLEO)

Ohio Standards
Content Area
Business & Communication
Career & Technical Education
Computer Science
Fine Arts
Create, Lead, Empower Ohio
Item Type
INFOhio Resource

The INFOhio Create, Lead, Empower Ohio (CLEO) toolkit contains websites, eBooks, lesson plans, and learning modules to support a tech-centered, self-directed, service-learning curriculum.
CLEO offers supplemental instructional support for content area educators and fine arts and industrial arts educators, with a focus on promoting the integration of the following skills in classrooms:
  • 21st-century literacies
  • Career exploration 
  • Self-directed learning
  • Service learning
  • Employability skills 
INFOhio encourages educators to use the websites and resources in the toolkit with students to supplement instruction in the classroom.
Funded through Future Forward Ohio.
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