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Module 1
Asking Good Questions
Module 2
Finding Information
Module 3
Selecting the Best
Module 4
Putting it Together
Module 5
Your Project
Module 6
Making the Grade

How do I analyze information wisely?

Knowing how to analyze information so that you can make wise decisions is a crucial skill for life success. You need to know which information is most current, reliable, authoritative, and you need to be able to understand the author's purpose so that you select the best information to make decisions. Types of information-based decisions in your future include:

#1 Research requires searching for information again and again...that is why it's called "research." As you seek the best information, refer to the KWL Finding Chart Word document or PDF that you completed in Module 2. Make sure you are finding the information you need.
#2 Search INFOhio's ISearch using the keywords for your topic as search terms. Go to ISearch and type your search terms in the search box. Explore the results under each of the tabs at the top of the results page.

Compare your ISearch results with your Google search results.

#4 Track your research with a research log. Download the Research Log Word document or PDF. It will help you know where you searched and how you found excellent information.
#5 Search in one or more INFOhio databases using your keywords as search terms. Determine which database will be most helpful to you in your research project. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, work with your teacher or school librarian to help you select the right database for your research topic. 
#6 Show what you know with this quiz.